Insurance For Your Vehicle Insurance
An accident can leave you with unexpected costs, even if your vehicle is “fully insured”. Drivesure can help fill the gaps in your vehicle insurance policy.
Get the brand new model of you’re vehicle after a total loss accident.
Replacement Cost Plus
Replacement Cost Plus pays the difference between your primary insurance settlement and the cost to replace your vehicle in the current model year.
- Total Loss Deductible up to $500
- Partial Loss Deductible up to $250 (Up to $100 for glass claims)
- OEM Parts coverage up to 3 years (See below for OEM Parts coverage details)
- Lost or Stolen Key Fob replacement up to $500 (One time use)
Replacement Cost
Replacement Cost pays the difference between your primary insurance settlement and the cost to replace your vehicle in the current model year.
- Total Loss Deductible up to $500
Replacement Cost Annual
Replacement Cost pays the difference between your primary insurance settlement and the cost to replace your vehicle in the current model year.
- Total Loss Deductible up to $1000
- Partial Loss Deductible up to $1000 (one time use per policy term, excludes all glass claims)
- OEM Parts while the vehicle is in Model Year 3 or newer
Limited Depreciation Products
Covers the depreciation of your vehicle from the purchase price to the value at the time of total loss.
Limited Depreciation Plus
Limited Depreciation Plus/Better Car Replacement pays the difference between your primary insurance settlement and the original cash purchase price of your vehicle, plus an additional 5% indexation added to your purchase price every 12 months.
- Total Loss Deductible up to $500
- Partial Loss Deductible up to $250 (Up to $100 for glass claims)
- Lost or Stolen Key Fob replacement up to $500 (One time use)
Limited Depreciation
Limited Depreciation pays the difference between your primary insurance settlement and the original purchase price of your vehicle.
- Total Loss Deductible up to $500
Add-on Products
These products could be added to your policy or purchased on their own.
OEM Parts
OEM Parts pays the difference in cost to repair your vehicle with brand new Original Equipment Manufacturers parts instead of aftermarket or recycled parts. Coverage is limited to $2,000 per year.
Post-Crash Guarantee
Post-Crash Guarantee pays a cash settlement after your vehicle is in a significant insured accident. Payment is based on the value of your vehicle at the time of policy purchase. Payment is made after a significant accident, an accident is considered significant when repair costs before tax are greater than 25% of the value of your vehicle at the time of policy purchase.
Premium Increase Benefit
Premium Increase Benefit pays up to $2,500 for an increase to your primary insurance policy premium after an at fault loss during your Drivesure policy term. Premium Increase Benefit is included in Multi-Year policies sold with the Plus Package add on between July 16th, 2018 – January 31st, 2018 and Annual Policies sold between the same period with coverage lasting until renewal or expiry
Not Your Average Replacement Insurance
We’ve designed our policies to stand out from the competition.
Locked in Premiums
Your Drivesure premium won't increase because of a claim, change in address, or young drivers.
Flexible Terms
Policy terms up to seven years are available for brand new vehicles.
Payment Plans
Finance your policy monthly through your bank account or credit card.